When Your Desire is High

When there is a desire to do something, when you believe it’s important to you..you do it, no matter how bad the odds are.

This reminds me of my late  grand mom Esther Lebi. She passed on at an approximated age of 126. She needed a Cain to support herself when she walked slowly due to old age.

There was a specific sofa right opposite the TV console in our home growing up. This became her’s because In my culture, the special chair is reserved for the oldest but they were also the best sofa to catch the greatest fun as you watch tv.

Whenever grandma spots someone on her seat…, anyone… the story changes…her vigor comes back, she walks fast to take possession of her special sofa. At such times, she doesn’t even need her Cain. She is no longer old ….

When your desire is high your limitation becomes less significant.

You see, In life it’s not if you want it, It’s how bad do you want.

So my question to you is: do you have a dream. Is there something on your inside that you can’t wait for the world to know about? Do you want to achieve that goal?
Pause How bad do you want to achieve it?

You must be willing to answer this question.

You want addition income on the side, you want to be able to do what you love to and not what you have to do, you want to be able to spend quality time with the ones you love now and over time…

Ask yourself-how bad do I want what I said I want?

And if you really do…start taking steps towards achieving it today.

I will be hosting a free course on how to find your first profitable idea very soon. Click on the Subscribe button below and watch out to be among the first to know about it.

I want to help you, but you must be willing to Say yes to God’s dreams for you.

Remember He created you to thrive!

Bye for now.


Don’t forget to subscribe.

How To Get More Done If You Have A Dream

Video Transcripts:

Sometimes I get so busy that I don’t seem to have time to do what I really want to do. For example I want to upload a new video once a week but sometimes it’s hard.

That brings me to my topic of today. What do you do when you don’t seem to find to to do what’s you’ve planned to do?
Hi I am Olu Sobanjo of launchadream.
I have discovered that life is like a plain canvas in an artists hands. He can choose to paint whatever on it. Desires, purpose and Creativity are some of the motivations behind any success in life.
Here are 3 tips that I personally use each time that helps me to do more even with a very busy schedule.
First. I think through to know what final outcome I want. It’s important that you don’t go into anything without having a clear goal in mind. It must be measurable. I want to record a video before the end of the day. Is ver clear to me. That’s an examples not I should record videos.
Second is to inform as many people as possible especially your close friends and family….
Before now, I used to be so scared to tell people my plans.
What if I don’t come through on my plans, what if I am too busy to actually do it? What if people begin to see me as unreliable?
As much as those are valid fears and concerns the value of telling others out-ways the rewards you get.
Saying it out take the goal from a wishes world into the real world.
You automatically start planning your life around it since others now know. Also people around you will give you a bit of leeway when they know you are busy doing something that’s is important.
Third, you prioritize everything else in the right order so you can achieve that goal. That way you cut some other things out so as to make time to achieve your goal.
Because many times we are very busy until you weigh each this by how important they are and how urgent. For example, can that movie you like to watch wait so that you can may be write out that business idea out on paper?
You decide!
Once you understand why you want to do a task, doing it is one step easier.
Now what about you, what are some tips that have helped you over the years. Leave me a comment here and don’t forget to subscribe to my channel.
Remember, you were made to Thrive!

You Get a Business Idea…Now What?

You are driving around town and… tara! you get a cool business idea, or you are in the shower – and you get a golden idea to solve someone’s problems. But then …. when do you do next?

Hi I am Olu Sobanjo of Launchadream.

The truth of the matter is that business ideas don’t solve anyone’s pain, ONLY  REAL businesses do.

So, its important that you know what to do now that you have business idea. First you must realize that it takes a while for any idea to transform into a viable business and yours won’t be an exception.

So here are the steps to take.

  1. Share your idea with a few friends. By sharing, you are going ahead of others that are either to scared or shy to launch out and at the same time you will also get some feedback from your friends that will help develop your ideas even better
  2. Write down a business Plan. Now In business School we are told the importance of a business plan. However here you don’t need to go all out producing a huge write up (at least not now). Write out in about 2 sheets of paper what you know or think of your idea.

Here are some guidelines of what to add to your plan.

  • What is the idea: Is it a product or service
  • What are some details about the business: What makes it different and unique
  • Who needs your product or service: Who is your target market
  • What problems are you solving with this business
  • How is it going to make money
  • How long is it going to take to get the product ready and start selling
  1.  Share again with those friends: Share the Business Plan with those friends again and get their feedback.
  1. Write out a timeline of Action – Especially fix a launch out date and work towards that

Get all the help you need and don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel here to get new episodes as they come up.

Thanks for watching and remember you were made to thrive.

See you next time.



Many great ideas end up wasted, many amazing dreamers loose their opportunities to shine. This does not necessarily mean that these dreamers are idle. They are usually busy running errands. They have great ideas but they can’t find time or space to cook up their ideas. Well, it’s easier to join a race that is already set than to start a new one.

If you are reading this and you have an idea that has been brewing in you for a while, here are 6 things you can do today in order to move closer to launching your dreams.

1. Make up your mind to live not endure. Do you know that so many people ignore the thought that they were designed to be great? Some believed it until life happened to them. Others are too busy to remember while some others prefer to play it safe. My dear, you were designed by the one who made all things and affirmed each of His creations as being good. That includes you. You can start believing that today. How would you know that you believe? That’s easy, you will start acting based on the notion that you are indeed a great person. your decision making will be sound like that of a great man or woman.

2. Declutter your life. One next mental action you will need to do is to clear out all the things that are not helping you achieve your personal goal in life. The best way to do this is to use Stephen Covey’s  4 quadrant matrix below:

Stephen Covey’s 4 quadrant matrix 

3. Stop saying yes to everyone. As you prioritize your tasks, you will need to learn to choose carefully what you say yes to. This way you will be making room in your life for greater things ahead.

4. Start going to bed with a plan for the next day. Imagine waking up and having a clear image of what the day would be like. When you plan the night before, you save yourself the stress of worrying about that day. Though you don’t have the power to know everything ahead for the day, however you will worry less and take steps with ease and with some greater level of confidence.

5. Have a quiet time daily. The moment you get off your bed in the morning (or whenever you wake up) there are a hundred and one things waiting to grab your attention. Stuffs you forgot about, ignored or even abandoned. If you don’t practice having a time to be quiet before you launch out you will likely end up running around all day, with little or no time to calibrate properly. What you do in your quiet time is up to you but one thing I do is commune with God. I thanks him for a new day, clear up issues with him – clean my mind with his words and lastly spend some quality time to simply be quiet. I often hear him speak to me at this point. Do it, your life will be better.

6. Lastly set out  at least 10 minutes thinking/planning time into your daily schedule. This is just the beginning. Everyone dreams, but it’s only those that add action to their dreams can become achievers.  Start by writing out all your ideas. Many of the people I have helped were drowning in myriads of ideas and my recommendation has not changed. If that is you, you need to write out your ideas on paper or on your computer/device. This action alone will optimize your brain for more effectiveness. And if all you have is one idea, go ahead and do the same. For example, what sort of research will you need to do? What sort of help will you need? Who could you talk to with regards to this idea? These are a few things you need to work on in your first week as you take time out to think and plan.

“Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.”

-Benjamin Franklin

Procrastination is one of my worst opponents in achieving anything great. For example, publishing my 2 titles on Amazon was not without the tog of war.  It’s not that I find it hard to do what I need to do but many times other thing appear more urgent and important and I have to say yes or no to what I think is important at the moment. 

Using the 4 quadrant Matrix has always helped me to do what I can do today. Take a look at some major brands in our world today; brands like Google, Apple, Facebook, Mercedes, Puma…, none of them happened in one day. However the conceptualization started in a day, then research, then more brainstorming, then production, then some problems, then more research, then lot of marketing. Every good idea has to pass through several steps before it becomes real.

So my friend, start early. Take 10 minutes today and tomorrow, the days after and the next. Don’t stop even when you feel like it. Plan it into your day and into your year. Sooner or later you will be glad you did.

You Can Make Lots of Money As You Solve Other People’s Problems 

Since I moved back to Nigeria with my family, I have not cease to notice the poverty level around and what it requires to live a nice life here. The mind set of the people however determine what they get from life.Everyone struggles to make ends meet but only a few are making headway. Why?

I remember my first time in the market alone after I started settling in, I needed to get some onion and approached a man that had some for sale on the floor mat and a basket. My intention w to buy half of the basket. So the Canadian in me, told him that straight up and he immediately turned around and started to walk away ignoring me (muffling his words that he didnt want to sell half). The Canadian in me didn’t understand why someone would have goods for sale and ignore valuable clients like me. I had to call him back and ask him why he was walking out on me. I he apologized and I bought some onions from him that day.

However, I realized something critical that day. Many people pray to move higher but they remain at the same level because they continue to do their businesses like my friend in the story above. Many stay stagnant or even go lower than they were after experiencing some negative circumstances. They are not able to get out of the problem. Why? Because what they do is sell not meet needs.

Today I want to help you see something differently, if you can approach business differently, you will make more than the average entrepreneur.

The Kind of service that sells more

The story of my hair stylist is different.  Though she might not have her strategies on paper she seemed to be different since the first time I met her. My neigbough introduced her to me a few months ago. The first day she came to fix my hair she said “I know exactly what style to fix on you cos you have an oval face. Now that what I want-not just a stylist but a consultant. The style she fixed on me then lasted so long because I love it 4-much (too much).

Again yesterday she came to fix my hair and here is the result:

As a professional, I want the best. I want to focus on my highest responsibility after God- my family; on what I do best, I would dont mind sharing whatever I have with such persons that avails me the opportunity of get more done at home, church and work. While my lady was fixing my hair I was working on some of my church financials-thats great!

She gave me a solution, and I was telling her last time, she is no longer just a hairdresser, she is my personal consultant on hair matters😜.  And I will surely recommend her and that is the best way to make lots of money. Find a problem that some people have or stumble on it (make sure they are people that can afford pay you what you want) and solve theirs problem in a unique way. Charge a good price for your service, they will pay. And this doesn’t matter whether you are selling to individuals or companies. That’s entrepreneurship 101. 

Or simply blog about something you love and companies can pay you to advertise on your site. An example is my www.Jollofrice.info blog where I talk about Jollof Rice. Many People ask for my recipe all the times so I figured I better put it down for them in a place where anyone can find it and even refer. You can check it out. Not making so much from it yet but in time, I hope it will make enough to pay for my phone and internet on a monthly basis.



Top performers invest in themselves

The difference between people who invest in themselves…and people who just whine…

I recently wrote a blog post on the Difference between Winners and losers. You can check it out here.

When was the last time you bought an online course to help you learn a new skill? Have you bought a new book and applied the results to your work? What about traveling to visit someone to learn something?

We all have things we say we want to do — travel more, save more money, earn more. Ok, so in the last 14 days, have you invested to help get to those goals?

How come so many people “say” they want to make more money, or start going to the gym, or learn a new language…but never actually DO ANYTHING to get there?

Investing doesn’t always mean buying courses.  It’s not just buying products. You can literally invest in other people’s expertise: Call them consultants, teachers, or tutors. When was the last time you paid someone to teach you something? When you buy a book to help you get better, you are investing in your own success. 

Here’s a simple litmus test:

If you say you want something but haven’t done systematic work to achieve your goal in the last 30 days, you might actually call it daydreaming. 

So your choice is either (1) start taking action or (2) acknowledge that your goal really isn’t that important, and give up.

(By the way, there’s nothing wrong with giving up on certain goals. For example, I used to respond to every email within 24 hours — that was my goal. After a while, I was unable to do it, no matter how hard I tried. And I’ve now officially given up on it. If someone emails me, I’ll get back to them when I am able to. It’s a huge weight off my shoulders.)

I want to see you take even baby steps towards your goals that’s the reason I work hard to give you what would help.  

Top performers invest in themselves

You’ll find that the very highest-achieving people are also habitual consumers of personal-development materials, whether books, courses, or personal tutors/consultants.

I have spent lots of money on self-development. In fact, in the last 12 months, I’ve spent a lot on tools,  courses, books, online conferences, and even taking people out to dinner to learn from them.

But you don’t have to spend so much to invest in yourself. Back in the days my budget was a LOT smaller, I still emailed people to take them out to lunch. 

Most of my top-performing friends also invest in themselves with books, courses, and traveling to attend events where they can meet interesting people.

“But I can find all the information I need online, for free!”

Yeah, you “could.” But the fact is that we dont!

Information is not all you need for success, in fact information is not enough. Changing a habit is far more important than getting information. It’s about motivation and skill and many other factors.

When you pay for a course, or a tutor, or a coach, you’re not just paying for commodity information. You’re paying for the coach’s skills and expertise. When I hire a web designer, for example, ALL HE READS IS WEB DESIGN STUFF. He is far deeper in the web-design world than I will ever be.

You’re also psychologically committing yourself to value the goal more. For example, my courses (free and paid) provides tips and comprehensive steps to help you earn more. 

The Inward-Looking Test

The best predictor of your future behaviour is your past behaviour.  People really don’t like hearing this because it makes them confront why they’re not achieving their so-called goals.

We all know there are things we could do if only we were motivated enough, or if we had more time. The smart person asks, “What am I realistically likely to do?”

Investing even HUGE amounts can pay off.   There’s a reason why successful people don’t think twice when it comes to investing in themselves or their businesses. That’s because the cost of the right investment is NOTHING compared to the gains as a result.

I was recently doing some consulting for a guy that is looking to re-evaluate his skills to move up in his career. We had a brainstorming session on phone and his comment to me was:

“So, I hung up the phone Friday and my first thought was, ‘Wow, THAT was probably worth 5 grand.'”

Invest in yourself today:

What’s the best investment you could make today?  

Who could you take out to lunch to pick their brain? 

What conference could you attend that would improve your skills? 

 Can you hire a tutor for something you want to do?

Do you want to earn more money? 

Why Would Your Friends’ Pay You?

Have you started experiencing the excitements that come from leveraging your skills? Some of you have asked me questions around working with your current friends and I have compiled this in response to that.
If you are starting with people that already know you, it might be hard for them to take you seriously. They feel they are entitled to what you have always given them free or for pennies.
At this point you don’t need to panic, its normal. You need to help them transition into seeing that you now have a shop 🙂 It might take a while for them to get it but they will. First you need to understand the concept too so that your own mental block can get out of your way.
A good example that will help you is this.
You have just signed the lease to your new store. Your rent is $1500 per month including utilities. You still need to run down to Walmart or your local office depot to purchase some supplies and one of your friends comes in (on her way to work) with a request for another favour- she wants you to help her with the usuals. This usual is now product number 5 in your new business. You want to help her and you might but this is a good time to remind her that you now have extra bills to pay to sustain the business and be able to help her next time.
First, note that your friend is going to work as well and she might not likely work for free for her employer today so its not right for her to expect you to work for free even though you are your own employer, right?
At this moment, one very important tool will be your professionally done price list. You bring one out and discuss from there. It will be awkward at first but she will get it. Best is to determine in your mind if you want to do this free, its fine but give her an invoice with the percentage off factored in.
Plus if you appear professional to your friend, they will be proud to refer other of their professional friends to you which is why its still good to give friends a discount. And they will also realized the hours you have invested into it your business and would see why they are paying you.
Thats why your price list is very important. Here you have it- a complete guide on how to create your price list.
I look forward to sharing your success story.


What I discovered on my Way to Montreal

Its not what you are look at that matters, its what you see.      
-Henry David Trudeau.
Isn’t it interesting that you may have something and never know you do. In this past 2 months, I have seen this in action more than I could record. I will share 2 instances with you here.
Some of you know that I recently got back from a trip to Montreal for some of my annual conferences and events. It was a great time btw 😉

On my way to Montreal,

I had a good 15 hours layover in London which afforded me the opportunity to re-unite with my family there. Saw my big brother and his family. Hadnt seen one of his sons in almost 9 years and the other for the first time.  My nephew is now almost 1 foot taller than I am…how interesting 🙂
I also had a good time with 2 of my sisters-in-law and their family. After a good time, I went back to Heathrow airport to continue my trip. I always love shopping around cos sometimes you get a good find, so I did a bit of that while waiting to board. Got to this nice store with nice decor;  pillows, picture frames, …. The quote about by Henry David Trudeau caught my attention: Its not what you are looking at that matters, its what you see. Interesting!
And so I did a video about it here:

Next I got on the plane and decided to relax with a musical Movie titled Annie. Nice one-good story line. As I closed my eyes to rest I got an Ha ha moment right there – I have 3 amazing older sisters and 3 amazing sisters-in-law. That makes me the goodie between a three-sister sandwich…hehe. I have been married for almost 11 years but now I am just discovering this. I was more intrigued that I never figured this out.
What’s special about that fact? I don’t know, may be just the symmetry or perhaps I will discover later, but the fact that I just discovered though it had been a fact for 11 years was the important point.
Is there anything you have now that could bring more fruitfulness to your endeavours but you are not even aware? The next example will even show it clearer.

Clone a Sim

Since we moved to Nigeria for the mission of planting a new branch of Overcomers, one of the main issues asides irregular power supply has been securing a good internet service. I use an Etisalat line and got a good deal for my phone and internet needs- I buy credit on my phone and tether it to my other devices. Nigeria is what I call an emerging market and because of this many opportunities go untapped. lots of money to be made and lot of needs to be met; making unending opportunity available for smart and good people to tap into.
Anyway, before I decided on what phone plan to take I did my research, coming from a Canadian system (where by the way I was an expert in the area of getting the most from your service providers) I was determined to get the most I could for the money I pay. I however discovered that what I figured out was more effective than the solution I was given by calling customer service, though they helped.
On a side note: A Phone / Internet Consultant would make some side income in Nigeria.  By guiding people, recommending a package that would work best for individual and showing them how to save money on services. Helping them fish out the best option suited for them. I wish there was one and I would have paid them to help me figure out a mobile/internet solution for my need.
Meanwhile, I got a rhythm and enjoyed my services from Etisalat here in Kuje for the most part. Yesterday we decided to use a Mifi device from Etisalat for our home internet. (A Mifi device is a small phone size device, you insert a sim with data into and it serves as a modem, making wifi available for other devices-phones, tablets and computers). Its definitely easier to use a Mifi for all other devices than to tether my phone for internet.  So we decided to pay for some internet on the Mifi sim.  (If you reading this from the western world, you likely wouldn’t ever need this….lol).
Anyway I called customer service yesterday, spoke with a lady, she gave me some information. Thank God I asked her if I could link my Mifi to my phone. Then she transferred me to the Data department to speak with a data specialist. What I discovered afterwards is that the info she gave me was wrong.
To my amazements, He said I could clone my sim to a new sim. Wow! I didnt need to buy extra data on my phone and another on the Mifi! I can buy bulk data on my phone that way and still be able to use it on the Mifi. That means my phone will no longer get so heated up from tethering. Great!
He sent me the code to do it and voila! We got it done today. And as I write I am using the Mifi as wifi. Very cool.
Again I have had the Mifi since October and had tried to use it, but now I am getting the most from it. Plus I have had the same phone company for the same time, but now I am maximizing my services with them.
My question to you, what do you have now that you are not gaining the most results from? Is there a skill or passion that can be converted into an income stream for you?
Need help answering this?

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