Rookie Mom’s Survival Guide

Having a baby comes with a lot of lifestyle changes, I have experienced it. Its like entering into another world without a map or a guide. To make matters worse some Mom’s look forward to a career change during this period of their life, Yeah, weirdoes like me. I did it, but not without some hiccups here and there.

I must say that this might be the most perfect time in your life to start working towards turning your most profitable skills to an income stream.

However, you need to get yourself  together in order to be able to do this. Thats is why I have compiled for you a resource that will help you reduce stress while thinking of a new career. It will show you some tips on how to utilize who and what you already have around you to make the experience at least…..ummm…manageable!

Right before and after you have had your baby usually lies the roughest days. This guide will show what to put in place in order to reduce your stress. For example people want to help, do you have a plan of action on how they can? At the same time its important to rest (and I mean sleep) as much as you can before you receive your bundle of joy. So get some rest now. I wish I knew some of this tips prior to plunging in. Well, now you have it.

Enter your name and email to download my Rookie Mom’s Survival Guide here and you will also be added to the Earn 1000 on the side waiting list. This way you will know when the course will be open.

Share this post with rookie Moms that you care about.

In addition, some of you may be wild enough to be thinking about Missionary work while at home. You may even think that going on mission trip may be good exposure to your family and you may be right, however read this.

You may want to check out this post about this new healthy cookwares that I just learnt about. The Maxam Waterless Cookware makes your life easier and gives you a bit more peace in the way your take care of your family. Take a moment to check it out.


Testing Your Assumptions

What would you do with an extra $1,000 a month? Find out how here

No one plans to fail but we fail many times. Remember when you were in college, you study a chapter from your textbook and then you feel like you are ready for the test only to fail at it.

Why? Because it’s easy to read and read and believe we “got it,” but when we have to actually prove it by implementing — we often fail.

For me now, I add failure into my plans. I figured its better to since I fail many times — its no longer a bad thing for me to fail. For example I know that out of every 10 marketing initiatives I take on ‘LaunchaDream’ 7 will fail.

Today, I’ll show you how to utilize, expect, and manage failure. If you follow along and TAKE ACTION on what I outline below, you’ll have moved closer towards achieving your goal within the next 48 Hours. Yes, you read it right, 2 days; you’ll have taken more action toward your goal than the last 2 months.

If you are ready to take action on your ‘making money on the side’ goals this year, read on..

My Earn1000 Course is about earning more money on the side, it is for 8 weeks and includes specific action steps to earn money each week.

Again, no matter how good this sounds, If you don’t take action towards finding success you might as well save yourself the stress now.

This month, I will help you take action. Today, it’s by testing your assumptions.

Did you know that by simply taking action, you will accomplish more of your goal THIS MONTH than you’ve accomplished in the last year?

If you actually follow through, you’ll accomplish more in the next 48 hours than all of last month.

Here’s how:
1. Today, I want you to point out 3 assumptions you have that are holding you back
2. In the next 48 hours, I want you to test them
3. 48 hours from now, share the results of your research

The most powerful part of this is the accountability. Simply give me your trust THIS WEEK ONLY and see what kind of results I can get you.

Here are 2 examples:

Your Goal: Find an Idea that will make you $1000/month on the side. 
– Barrier: Not sure what idea to pursue.
– Tactics: Write down 20 things you could possibly do. (Click here for my free Idea Generator Tool.) Then sort by the amount of income you could possibly bring in on 10 hours/week. For example, image consultant for university students = not likely to bring in $$ since most university students don’t have extra money. Tutoring kids in math = very likely to pay $25 – $50/hour = profitable.

GOAL: Add 2 more paying clients to your kid tutoring business                             – Barrier: There are no more people around to work with.                                           – Tactics: Write the names of 20 people that will benefit from your service. They could be people you work with, or people you meet in your neighborhood, or whoever you want. Then approach them. Simply say, “Hi Susan, how is your Mary doing with her Maths exams?” Wait for response. Then say “I am helping to prepare kids for their maths exams. I do this at the convince of the parents. Would Mary need some help this semester?


Don’t get caught up in the details of the examples…they are just examples. You got it.

So here is what I want you to do:

  1. Today, I want you to lay out 3 assumptions you have that are holding you back
  2. In the next 48 hours, I want you to test them
  3. 48 hours from now, share the results of your research

In the next 48 hours, you will make more progress than you made in the last MONTH.

But you need to take action.


What would you do with an extra $1,000 a month? Find out how here


Turning your Dreams into Reality Part 1

“A dream becomes a goal when action is taken toward its achievement.” -Bo Bennett. The smallest and biggest dreams will remain dreams unless they are converted into step-by-step goals. We all know there are things we could do if only we were motivated enough, or if we had more time. Smart people ask, “What am I realistically likely to do?” And then they get into action. I have put together some tips that will help you to move from dreaming into achieving.

Turn yourself into a believer

To achieve anything you must first believe in that idea. In order to believe in any idea you need to make sure you believe in it. How do you get to a point where you are fully vested? Research! You have to test to confirm and verify that the idea is worth investing your life into. Ask people that you know what they think about the idea. Many dreams that should have been trashed at the preliminary stages thrive, only to be discontinued after many months of wasted time and money. When you do your research well, you will discover what is realistic and what is not. Be ready to discard ideas quickly while you keep working to get to the main idea.

Set simple but achievable goals

There’s nothing wrong with giving up on certain goals if you discover that they are unattainable or too ambiguous. For example, my goal was to respond to every communication (email, text messages, whatsapp…) within 24 hours — that was a personal goal. After a while, I discovered how difficult it was to achieve this, no matter how hard I tried. And I’ve now officially given up on it. If someone emails me, I’ll get back to him or her as soon as I can. It’s a huge weight off my shoulders.

Set a timeframe for your kick off

You must have a clear time frame in mind when you must have launched out. Many great ideas die in this stage. There are some things that you must put in place before your launch out however you don’t want to wait forever. You will learn as you go. Identify the important steps, do them and kick your project off. Give yourself ample time to research, conceptualize, test drive, implement and review. Set a time line and deadline for each task, but start.

Work on it daily

The more time you invest in a viable idea, the more chances that it will become a reality. For example, if you want to start earning an extra 10,000 monthly you must adjust you schedule to accommodate your goal. You need to spend time on conceptualizing the product/service and marketing. Take time to create some tasks that you can do on a regular basis. An example is to talk to a new potential client daily. You must work on your idea in order to work in it.

You Need Critics

Dreams are usually exciting and most dreamers find it hard to see all the facts. This is why you need good critics that can help you poke all the holes. The fact that they poke holes in your idea does not make it unrealistic, they simply help you identify and possibly solve some problems you would have had along the way. However, you must analyze everything they say carefully. Some people are very good at seeing negative only; no matter what you say they will have a problem with it. Avoid depending on such people’s input completely. Use comments from those that have given you quality advice in the past. It’s hard to see you blind spot, let them help.

Invest in your dream

You must be willing to invest some money to make your dreams work. For example, when you pay for a course, or a book, or a tutor, or a coach, you’re not just paying for the information. You’re paying for their skills, experience and expertise of the person you hired. You are also committing to value you goal more. You will likely not ignore an idea that you have invested in. Though many still invest money but not follow through those are people who didn’t do a good research from the beginning. Another example of investments is to pay someone to do your routine tasks in order to have time to work on your goals.

Achievement of goals is far more than getting the right information. It requires motivation, skills, help and many other factors. We all have things we say we want to do; save more money, earn more, travel…. but never actually DO ANYTHING to get there.

Look out for part 2 or signup to get updates in your inbox.

Till then, Enjoy each day!



Difference between Winners & Losers

Are successful people simply lucky or are they exceptionally more talented than the average people? Majority believes yes. Is it pure talents or is there a formula for success? After much research I have been able to compile below a list to highlight the key differences between winners and losers. I hope this will help you to determine where you are or in what ways you need to improve.

Their Perspective

  • Winners think about possibilities and ways to achieve. Losers focus on obstacles and on excuses that will stop them from achieving.
  • Winners believe there is always a thing to learn. Losers consider themselves as an expert even though they know little.
  • Winners find opportunities in crisis. Losers complain about crisis
  • Winners enjoy being in the present and learn from the past. Losers live in the past
  • Winners dream in the day. Losers dream in bed.
  • Winners take responsibility. Losers blame others.
  • Winners control their own destiny. Losers leave everything to their fate
  • Winners give more than they take. Losers take more than they give.
  • Winners are not scared to walk alone if the crowd is walking in the wrong direction. Losers follow the crowd.

Their Habits

  • Winners always plan. Losers hate having a plan.
  • Winners set goals. Losers lack goals.
  • Winners take action consistently. Losers refrain from taking action and lack consistency
  • Winners constantly expand their comfort zone. Losers remain in their comfort zone.
  • Winners work hard. Losers avoid work.
  • Winners try different strategies when not getting their expected results. Losers do the same thing over and over again expecting different results
  • Winners learn from their failures. Losers fear failure and The difference between Winners And Losers avoid them at all cost.
  • Winners listen. Losers fight for every chance to talk.
  • Winners continue to develop their skill every other day without fail. Losers make little effort in developing their skill.
  • Winners face their fear, accept it and take the leap. Losers dwell in their fear.
  • Winners commit to only what they can give their best to. Losers make promises that they always break.
  • Winners give their best at whatever thing they decide to do. Losers work half-heartedly in everything that they do.
  • Winners are persistent and will do whatever it takes (ethically) to achieve their goal. Losers give up when obstacles pop up.
  • Winners manage their time well and indulge in high value activities that will bring them closer to their goals. Losers indulge in time wasting activities like watching TV entertainment as long as they want.
  • Winners always find a better way to do things. Losers stick to one way of doing things.
  • Winners make personal development a priority. Losers neglect personal development.
  • Winners spend money on seminars and classes to improve themselves. Losers think that spending money on seminars and classes is a waste of money and they prefer to buy things that give them instant gratification.
  • Winners help others to win. Losers refuse to help and think only about their own benefit.
  • Winners find like-minded people like themselves that can bring them to greater height. Losers find like-minded people like themselves that will drag them to failure.

In conclusion, the two crucial ways by which winners differentiate Difference between Winners &Losers themselves from loser are one, the way they think and two the habits they keep. “The difference between winners and losers is that winners do what losers don’t want to do”. Phillip C. McGraw. If you want to stand out and live a life of purpose start doing things differently today. The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty. Proverbs 21:5 If you are interested in taking charge of your future, sign up to get a free 15 mins chat to access your dreams with the mind of getting more income.

Your time is Now!

It’s that time of year again! New year resolutions are made; many of which are made to feel optimistic about the New Year. But the question is how many of these resolutions actually last long? The reality is: not many at all. With this article I want to encourage you to do something more than new year resolution this year, I want you to step out and Shine! Time Magazine published the following as the top 10 and commonly broken new year resolution: Lose weight and get fit, Quit Smoking, Learn something New, Eat Healthier and diet, Get out of debt and save money, Spend more time with family, Travel to new places, Be less stressed, Volunteer, Drink less. Most of these resolutions are what I call emotional promises. After enjoying and perhaps overindulging in all those sumptuous Christmas dishes, it’s normal to desire weight loss. And so you get excited doing it… at least for a while until you start procrastinating and realizing that it’s really not an easy task. The gym is too far, the exercise machine is too hard to use. And soon your resolutions are discarded like many other flimsy emotional promises.

Why not do something different this year? Do a self-assessment. What talents, skills, strength, opportunity or experience do you have that you can turn into an avenue to impact others? Multitudes of people today are comfortable with things as they are as long as they can remain in their comfort zone. People keep their job or stay in a certain part of town in order to keep things the ways they are. While they have greater potentials otherwise.

The question is what have you got in you that only you know about or may be just a few people around you? Can you sing, cook, sew, dance, teach, play an instrument, Your time is now! write, run, shop, plan…? Think critically, what can you do easily with little or no training or help? Whatever falls in this category could bring you to limelight if you can work hard on it.

It is said that everyone has the potential to be great and that is what Susan Boyle, a 53-year-old lady proved to the world. She’s had the gift of singing all her life, but she only came out to lime light when she appeared as a contestant on the TV Programme, Britain’s Got Talents in 2009. She assessed her gifts and connected it with the opportunity around her. Though she waited so long to expose her gifts to the world. I wonder how many other Susans are out there that are hidden or just sharing their gifts with a bunch of people when the whole world could benefit from what they have.

The problem we have in this world with stardom is not the lack of talents but the comparison of the same. Many waste their time and therefore their talents comparing themselves with others. Think about it, there are not 2 of you. Even twins have different fingerprints showing that they are not the same. Stop the comparison; stop using fear as an excuse. Others are waiting for a perfect time that never comes. There is something you know well enough and find really easy to do; that others might struggle to do. Get into the limelight and let your light shine. Worst case, you might discover that you are not as good as you thought but you may be able to identify where you need help and pursue your dreams.

As soon as you can pin point this thing in you, start to use it more often, as you do you actually get better each time. For instance, if you are good at making nice paintings, invest in some nice canvas, do some paintings and make them available for viewing or sales at some stores. Get feedbacks from potential buyers and improve on what you have done. You might just come in contact some people who have been looking for paintings like yours. You might actually make enough from your paintings; enough to consider painting full time.

It’s only a person that knows what they’ve got that can seize opportunities when they come knocking. You may never know what new government policies; new business in town or new foreign organization may open up a new door for you to shine if you are not sharpening your skills now. Imagine if you were at the end of your life, is there anything that you would wish to have shared with the world? Then go for it. This is a new year and each year comes with new opportunities. There is an empty seat out there waiting for you, go on and take your place. We want to see you shine, I do. If you need help I will love to give you a free 15 minutes consultation and send you valuable tools for free. Sign up to get started.


I dare you to control your spending

I found this article today:

Unemployed single mother on benefits who spends £2,000 on Christmas with 20 presents for each of her children

  • Leanna Broderick plans to give children designer outfits, iPads and jewellery
  • The 20-year-old has never worked and claims nearly £15,500 a year 
  • Claims she is better off on benefits and last year saved £2,500
  • Said there was ‘no point’ getting minimum wage job and paying for childcare


PUBLISHED: 00:01 GMT, 11 December 2012 | UPDATED: 11:41 GMT, 11 December 2012

While many families are worrying about how to afford Christmas this year, one jobless single mother has revealed she receives so much in benefits she has £2,000 to spend on designer gifts, clothes and partying.

Mother-of-two Leanna Broderick plans to buy 20 presents for each of her children, including Burberry and Ralph Lauren outfits, iPads and gold jewellery.

The 20-year-old, who has never worked, claims nearly £15,500 a year in state handouts.

Read more here

Everyone has the right to their own opinion on this lady’s actions. However, I think everyone can learn from her. I personally don’t agree with spending this way but I tell you there is something good in the story if you look closely.

If you note how Leanna in the article above said she saves so much towards getting her goals met. She is passionate enough about the project she has and she is willing to cut down to achieve it.

After practicing as a financial planner for more than 5 years, I find it hard to bypass this when I see it. I have met many ladies in Leanna’s state that still depend on friends and family for survival.

There are many people today that earn so much but have no more money 2 days after pay day. Many then turn to credit and spend borrowed money how ever they like until the next pay day. Some highly paid managers even withdraw money from their credit card to pay their rent. This is why though some make so much, their debt increases also at an alarming rate.

If you make money  (business income, employment income or government benefits) but don’t seem to have enough to spend. If you use credit to supplement your monthly expense every month. Then you need to sign up for my money coach.

Common knowledge is seldom common practice. In order words though you know that budgeting is good practice, you might still not find it easy to follow. You are not alone though. Thousands of people think that budgeting is the easy way of putting one’s self in a prison.

Budgeting is nothing else but planning. Its not putting yourself in a box, its being in control of every penny in your hands. We will use this old but powerful principle to bring back the financial peace that you really love to have. For more on budgeting, read my article on budget.

I will teach you to get the most out of what you have now in order to use it to attract what you really need. Financial peace is what you will find and that, my friend is a key to the door of  financial buoyancy.

Achieve Daily, Live An Exciting Life cont’d

From my last post I wrote that its possible to have a good and exciting life. And you don’t need to have all you need or want for your life to be exciting. Hope we agreed is a vital key to living a  good life. Setting goals that are reasonable and achievable is important as well.

You then need to have think of how to maintain your weekly plan. You work 9-5 every week day but you need 2 hours before and after work for commuting. You may decide to use public transport for the whole time in order to use 30 minutes out of your travel time to work on your goal.

An example is if your goal is to write a book. You may want to use some of you redundant time to invest in your goal. Everyone including you have 24 hours in each day. Some have mastered how to make the most of the time available to them while achieving greatness and others feel like there is not time to do anything while they waste minutes on nothing.

Here are a few time wasters that you may want to watch out for:

  • Reading and replying emails
  • Catching up on social media like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest…
  • Watching your favorite show on TV
  • Surfing on the internet generally and lots more…

If you do you research properly you will find that there are many people around the world today that make more money each time they do any of the things above. As a matter of fact some even make money as you simply browse. Why can it be you making the money?

I am not saying not to do any other the things above but give yourself a time line. If you watch TV 2 hours every night and 1 hour of Facebook  that 3 hours right there that you can take 30 minutes out of to pursue your goal.

Don’t make the mistake of planning to use the whole 3 hours but start small and be discipline at it and then you can gradually increase. Its easier to maintain something small that be discouraged that its unattainable.

The most important part now is continuity  When your daily task is small and simple, continuing will be easier.  Before you know it you already have 3 out of 7 chapters of the book. This kinds of result will encourage you to continue and eventually finish.

You see what I was talking about earlier: hope. Many people are tired about their lives and others feel like life is really unfair because they don’t have any project they are working on and so they use all the time they have to focus on the negative things that happen everyday.

Your thought life has a lot to do with the way you see life. If you spend more time thinking about your goal and more time achieving it, you will cut off some stress from your life. Your hope for a great life will increase daily.


Achieve Daily, Live An Exciting Life

I always like to say that life can be sweet if only you can be open to the possibilities  There are many people out there that are really enjoying their lives. This does not mean that they have all that they need or want, as a matter of fact not having all you need or want is a good way to enjoy your life. Why? Because you have found a reason to keep going. Hope is the word here. With hope I can assure you that you will wake up daily excited to work, that if I work a bit more today I will get closer to achieving my desired goal.

For example, if I write another paragraph in my book today I will get closer to publishing a likely best seller and then I can pay off all my debt and then I can build that house I have always dreamed about from scratch. You see, hope my friend will give you a very good life.

I hear someone saying but I have always being hopeful but life is hard, good things never happen to me. I have tried different things but I have never got any good result. Yes, I believe you, you are not the only one that feels like that. I have felt the same way for year and as a matter of fact I still feel like that sometimes. Are you thinking; then what gives you the right to write a blog post like this? Hope!

My reality is that I have not written a best seller, I have not made my millions, I don’t have any fantastic product out there that is making me some good money. However I hope to get all these within the next few years. How do I plan to do that? I plan to write down my goals. From daily goals to weekly goals. I have always been a very careful person. I have tried to write goals in the past.

Many of these goals I achieve for a few weeks and even months, but then I get either carried away or tired and I am not able to record a whole year or years of achieving many of my goals. So because of this I am careful not to put annual goals.

Being too careful I know is not too good but I am not a huge risk taker personally, I go for the easy stuffs. So I find it easier to accomplish easy tasks. There is no point I think having a goal to write a book each year if I don’t have that plan on how to be able to achieve the easier tasks. Like what I will do daily.

This daily plan has to be reasonable. I have to be able to inculcate it into my normal routine. For example, if I work 9-5 on every week day, I have to look outside my employer’s time in order to achieve my own goals.

 Check the next post on this topic

You Need Your Critics

Many people are not comfortable listening to others criticize them. They find it hard to progress with such people around them. I used to be one of the people I am talking about. I was very discouraged each time someone did not like my work or idea.

Based on my personality, I have a slit perfectionist trait and so I struggle with trying new things and when I do, I still found it hard to share my ideas so when someone did not accept every bit of it, I felt bad which is like confirming why I did not want to share in the first place-its not good enough!

Many times people came with their own candid opinions on how to improve my work or some interesting questions in order for them to understand what I was doing. However I interpreted it as not good enough. These kinds of comments and contributions did not go well with me. I would listen but really I was mad on the inside. Next was that I would really loose my desire to try. And then return to my shell.

I will tell myself, why don’t I go back and keep working in order to have the best idea before sharing with anyone. So I put all my efforts and then as soon as I got stronger to share, I did only to get the same results again. And most times I gave up.

Many times the problem stemmed from low esteem.  Comments from people I was intimidated by caused more havoc than others. If you don’t have a solid knowledge of your purpose, this is bound to happen. Everyone that comes around becomes a competitor. However the more you know who you are the more relaxed you will be about criticisms.

For example, if you made a nice meal and then someone you are intimidated by comes to say you should have added orange instead of lime. You are likely to feel really bad and shut down. Asking why orange might have been better would not be on your mind. You might automatically think they are trying to intimidate you the more.

Many people today fight this battle. Do you have people in your life that are obviously better than you in some ways? The problem here is not whether they are better than you. You need to know that there are so many people out there that are better than you at most things. Until you compete in the Olympics or any other global competition and come out as the best in the world, you have to accept that there are many people that are better than you.

For example there are people that have written better blog posts than me. Even on this same topic, I am sure someone out there has done a better job. So the point is not whether you are the best or not. The Master Potter must be smart to have given each one of us unique finger prints and DNAs. Your focus must be on your uniqueness. Ask yourself, what’s unique about me?

There may be another person with my name somewhere on the planet, may be another one with similar features, someone with the same credentials but there is no other person that is completely like me.

The questions now is whats unique about me? Everyone that desires to live a purposeful life must be able to ask themselves this question. A good tip is to list your skills, your habits, think about what you like to do on a normal basis. No one else is like you. To know more about this, watch out for my free book; Becoming You.

As you continue to study yourself, you will begin to discover why the Master Potter made you like you are and that will increase your confidence daily. As your confidence increases, your ability to receive criticisms will also increase.

You need other people to get the most out of your life. First you need other people’s input to create your best product yet and since you cant buy all your products, you need customers to buy them. If you aim at success in anything you do you will need your critics.  Why do you want your friends and family to buy your product? Because they simply want to support you or because they are proud to be identified with your success and willing to share it with another person.

All of us have natural critics. You are surrounded by people that have been put there to criticize you constantly. Example is your spouse, children, parents, siblings, step families, cousins, the list goes on. Most huge companies you see around start from a single person but as soon as they can afford to they hire another person. This way they buy new opinions and new skills.

Your natural critics will give you free input from their own unique mind and skill bank. In order for you to succeed you need to use this free service. Imagine building a house and getting a free contractor. Why would you say no?

The good thing about a free service is that you don’t have to take there suggestion but you can use it to improve your own. If you take every criticism like this it wont bother you. However you will notice a lot of improvements in your life. You will begin to polish your own ideas with other people’s contributions. We can also assume that at least one of your potential clients will think the way your critic thinks.

And Yes, I agree that most of the people that I call your natural critics are the same set of people that might annoy you the most. But imagine getting your clients review about you before they buy your product. Imagine knowing exactly what your clients are looking for and designing your product to for their needs. You will sell better this way.

Even if you fight with them, don’t let it end there. Use their comments like one from a potential client and polish your plans the more. Also because these people know you more than your potential client will, you need to also learn to categorize their comments into negative and positive.

Work with the part of the criticism that can be used to build you and your product up. Trash the negative immediately, the part that can destroy you and kill your zeal. I personally believe that every criticism has these two parts. If you don’t believe, I can prove this to you. I challenge you that I will show you the two sides of every criticism.

Go ahead, allow your critics to work. You need them.

Wellcome Aboard-You r Unique

photoSo its live, up and running.

I have been working really hard lately to get everything set and voila. I still need to move a couple of data from my old platform.

This is a place to be if you have been looking for that push accompanied by quality support to venture into a new career. I believe the God, whom I will refer to as the Master Potter often on this site was very intentional when he made you.

You may think you lack some exceptional talents, dont be fooled, you were meant to be great! I know that different difficult circumstances and relationships might have proven to you otherwise.  Lets work at this together. I am sure that with commitment we will see great results.