Achieve Daily, Live An Exciting Life

I always like to say that life can be sweet if only you can be open to the possibilities  There are many people out there that are really enjoying their lives. This does not mean that they have all that they need or want, as a matter of fact not having all you need or want is a good way to enjoy your life. Why? Because you have found a reason to keep going. Hope is the word here. With hope I can assure you that you will wake up daily excited to work, that if I work a bit more today I will get closer to achieving my desired goal.

For example, if I write another paragraph in my book today I will get closer to publishing a likely best seller and then I can pay off all my debt and then I can build that house I have always dreamed about from scratch. You see, hope my friend will give you a very good life.

I hear someone saying but I have always being hopeful but life is hard, good things never happen to me. I have tried different things but I have never got any good result. Yes, I believe you, you are not the only one that feels like that. I have felt the same way for year and as a matter of fact I still feel like that sometimes. Are you thinking; then what gives you the right to write a blog post like this? Hope!

My reality is that I have not written a best seller, I have not made my millions, I don’t have any fantastic product out there that is making me some good money. However I hope to get all these within the next few years. How do I plan to do that? I plan to write down my goals. From daily goals to weekly goals. I have always been a very careful person. I have tried to write goals in the past.

Many of these goals I achieve for a few weeks and even months, but then I get either carried away or tired and I am not able to record a whole year or years of achieving many of my goals. So because of this I am careful not to put annual goals.

Being too careful I know is not too good but I am not a huge risk taker personally, I go for the easy stuffs. So I find it easier to accomplish easy tasks. There is no point I think having a goal to write a book each year if I don’t have that plan on how to be able to achieve the easier tasks. Like what I will do daily.

This daily plan has to be reasonable. I have to be able to inculcate it into my normal routine. For example, if I work 9-5 on every week day, I have to look outside my employer’s time in order to achieve my own goals.

 Check the next post on this topic

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