Achieve Daily, Live An Exciting Life cont’d

From my last post I wrote that its possible to have a good and exciting life. And you don’t need to have all you need or want for your life to be exciting. Hope we agreed is a vital key to living a  good life. Setting goals that are reasonable and achievable is important as well.

You then need to have think of how to maintain your weekly plan. You work 9-5 every week day but you need 2 hours before and after work for commuting. You may decide to use public transport for the whole time in order to use 30 minutes out of your travel time to work on your goal.

An example is if your goal is to write a book. You may want to use some of you redundant time to invest in your goal. Everyone including you have 24 hours in each day. Some have mastered how to make the most of the time available to them while achieving greatness and others feel like there is not time to do anything while they waste minutes on nothing.

Here are a few time wasters that you may want to watch out for:

  • Reading and replying emails
  • Catching up on social media like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest…
  • Watching your favorite show on TV
  • Surfing on the internet generally and lots more…

If you do you research properly you will find that there are many people around the world today that make more money each time they do any of the things above. As a matter of fact some even make money as you simply browse. Why can it be you making the money?

I am not saying not to do any other the things above but give yourself a time line. If you watch TV 2 hours every night and 1 hour of Facebook  that 3 hours right there that you can take 30 minutes out of to pursue your goal.

Don’t make the mistake of planning to use the whole 3 hours but start small and be discipline at it and then you can gradually increase. Its easier to maintain something small that be discouraged that its unattainable.

The most important part now is continuity  When your daily task is small and simple, continuing will be easier.  Before you know it you already have 3 out of 7 chapters of the book. This kinds of result will encourage you to continue and eventually finish.

You see what I was talking about earlier: hope. Many people are tired about their lives and others feel like life is really unfair because they don’t have any project they are working on and so they use all the time they have to focus on the negative things that happen everyday.

Your thought life has a lot to do with the way you see life. If you spend more time thinking about your goal and more time achieving it, you will cut off some stress from your life. Your hope for a great life will increase daily.


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