Rookie Mom’s Survival Guide

Having a baby comes with a lot of lifestyle changes, I have experienced it. Its like entering into another world without a map or a guide. To make matters worse some Mom’s look forward to a career change during this period of their life, Yeah, weirdoes like me. I did it, but not without some hiccups here and there.

I must say that this might be the most perfect time in your life to start working towards turning your most profitable skills to an income stream.

However, you need to get yourself  together in order to be able to do this. Thats is why I have compiled for you a resource that will help you reduce stress while thinking of a new career. It will show you some tips on how to utilize who and what you already have around you to make the experience at least…..ummm…manageable!

Right before and after you have had your baby usually lies the roughest days. This guide will show what to put in place in order to reduce your stress. For example people want to help, do you have a plan of action on how they can? At the same time its important to rest (and I mean sleep) as much as you can before you receive your bundle of joy. So get some rest now. I wish I knew some of this tips prior to plunging in. Well, now you have it.

Enter your name and email to download my Rookie Mom’s Survival Guide here and you will also be added to the Earn 1000 on the side waiting list. This way you will know when the course will be open.

Share this post with rookie Moms that you care about.

In addition, some of you may be wild enough to be thinking about Missionary work while at home. You may even think that going on mission trip may be good exposure to your family and you may be right, however read this.

You may want to check out this post about this new healthy cookwares that I just learnt about. The Maxam Waterless Cookware makes your life easier and gives you a bit more peace in the way your take care of your family. Take a moment to check it out.


Testing Your Assumptions

What would you do with an extra $1,000 a month? Find out how here

No one plans to fail but we fail many times. Remember when you were in college, you study a chapter from your textbook and then you feel like you are ready for the test only to fail at it.

Why? Because it’s easy to read and read and believe we “got it,” but when we have to actually prove it by implementing — we often fail.

For me now, I add failure into my plans. I figured its better to since I fail many times — its no longer a bad thing for me to fail. For example I know that out of every 10 marketing initiatives I take on ‘LaunchaDream’ 7 will fail.

Today, I’ll show you how to utilize, expect, and manage failure. If you follow along and TAKE ACTION on what I outline below, you’ll have moved closer towards achieving your goal within the next 48 Hours. Yes, you read it right, 2 days; you’ll have taken more action toward your goal than the last 2 months.

If you are ready to take action on your ‘making money on the side’ goals this year, read on..

My Earn1000 Course is about earning more money on the side, it is for 8 weeks and includes specific action steps to earn money each week.

Again, no matter how good this sounds, If you don’t take action towards finding success you might as well save yourself the stress now.

This month, I will help you take action. Today, it’s by testing your assumptions.

Did you know that by simply taking action, you will accomplish more of your goal THIS MONTH than you’ve accomplished in the last year?

If you actually follow through, you’ll accomplish more in the next 48 hours than all of last month.

Here’s how:
1. Today, I want you to point out 3 assumptions you have that are holding you back
2. In the next 48 hours, I want you to test them
3. 48 hours from now, share the results of your research

The most powerful part of this is the accountability. Simply give me your trust THIS WEEK ONLY and see what kind of results I can get you.

Here are 2 examples:

Your Goal: Find an Idea that will make you $1000/month on the side. 
– Barrier: Not sure what idea to pursue.
– Tactics: Write down 20 things you could possibly do. (Click here for my free Idea Generator Tool.) Then sort by the amount of income you could possibly bring in on 10 hours/week. For example, image consultant for university students = not likely to bring in $$ since most university students don’t have extra money. Tutoring kids in math = very likely to pay $25 – $50/hour = profitable.

GOAL: Add 2 more paying clients to your kid tutoring business                             – Barrier: There are no more people around to work with.                                           – Tactics: Write the names of 20 people that will benefit from your service. They could be people you work with, or people you meet in your neighborhood, or whoever you want. Then approach them. Simply say, “Hi Susan, how is your Mary doing with her Maths exams?” Wait for response. Then say “I am helping to prepare kids for their maths exams. I do this at the convince of the parents. Would Mary need some help this semester?


Don’t get caught up in the details of the examples…they are just examples. You got it.

So here is what I want you to do:

  1. Today, I want you to lay out 3 assumptions you have that are holding you back
  2. In the next 48 hours, I want you to test them
  3. 48 hours from now, share the results of your research

In the next 48 hours, you will make more progress than you made in the last MONTH.

But you need to take action.


What would you do with an extra $1,000 a month? Find out how here


Turning your Dreams into Reality Part 1

“A dream becomes a goal when action is taken toward its achievement.” -Bo Bennett. The smallest and biggest dreams will remain dreams unless they are converted into step-by-step goals. We all know there are things we could do if only we were motivated enough, or if we had more time. Smart people ask, “What am I realistically likely to do?” And then they get into action. I have put together some tips that will help you to move from dreaming into achieving.

Turn yourself into a believer

To achieve anything you must first believe in that idea. In order to believe in any idea you need to make sure you believe in it. How do you get to a point where you are fully vested? Research! You have to test to confirm and verify that the idea is worth investing your life into. Ask people that you know what they think about the idea. Many dreams that should have been trashed at the preliminary stages thrive, only to be discontinued after many months of wasted time and money. When you do your research well, you will discover what is realistic and what is not. Be ready to discard ideas quickly while you keep working to get to the main idea.

Set simple but achievable goals

There’s nothing wrong with giving up on certain goals if you discover that they are unattainable or too ambiguous. For example, my goal was to respond to every communication (email, text messages, whatsapp…) within 24 hours — that was a personal goal. After a while, I discovered how difficult it was to achieve this, no matter how hard I tried. And I’ve now officially given up on it. If someone emails me, I’ll get back to him or her as soon as I can. It’s a huge weight off my shoulders.

Set a timeframe for your kick off

You must have a clear time frame in mind when you must have launched out. Many great ideas die in this stage. There are some things that you must put in place before your launch out however you don’t want to wait forever. You will learn as you go. Identify the important steps, do them and kick your project off. Give yourself ample time to research, conceptualize, test drive, implement and review. Set a time line and deadline for each task, but start.

Work on it daily

The more time you invest in a viable idea, the more chances that it will become a reality. For example, if you want to start earning an extra 10,000 monthly you must adjust you schedule to accommodate your goal. You need to spend time on conceptualizing the product/service and marketing. Take time to create some tasks that you can do on a regular basis. An example is to talk to a new potential client daily. You must work on your idea in order to work in it.

You Need Critics

Dreams are usually exciting and most dreamers find it hard to see all the facts. This is why you need good critics that can help you poke all the holes. The fact that they poke holes in your idea does not make it unrealistic, they simply help you identify and possibly solve some problems you would have had along the way. However, you must analyze everything they say carefully. Some people are very good at seeing negative only; no matter what you say they will have a problem with it. Avoid depending on such people’s input completely. Use comments from those that have given you quality advice in the past. It’s hard to see you blind spot, let them help.

Invest in your dream

You must be willing to invest some money to make your dreams work. For example, when you pay for a course, or a book, or a tutor, or a coach, you’re not just paying for the information. You’re paying for their skills, experience and expertise of the person you hired. You are also committing to value you goal more. You will likely not ignore an idea that you have invested in. Though many still invest money but not follow through those are people who didn’t do a good research from the beginning. Another example of investments is to pay someone to do your routine tasks in order to have time to work on your goals.

Achievement of goals is far more than getting the right information. It requires motivation, skills, help and many other factors. We all have things we say we want to do; save more money, earn more, travel…. but never actually DO ANYTHING to get there.

Look out for part 2 or signup to get updates in your inbox.

Till then, Enjoy each day!

