A Wonderful Christmas – Thank You!

Lovely girl excited about her new bear
Lovely girl excited about her new bear

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Christmas was sure a delight for many in Kuje today.

Jesus, whom we celebrate today (and always) came to our world many years ago and we continue to enjoy His love today.  We are indeed very honoured to share that same love with others.

A few of our guests were willing to change churches after the service…funny. It was nice to remind them that Christ’s body is one and that the aim was mainly to show them that God loves and cares about them. Also nice that some were not church goers that can be discipled.

Bags of 5kg Rice, Salt, Tomato paste, seasoning cubes

Thanks to all of you out there that made this day possible. One bag of 5kg rice, a sachet of salt and tomato paste and seasoning cube were the food items that people got today. Each person also had the chance to shop through our pile of gently used clothes. Kids from the same family got one toy while each child went home with an easy to ready kids book.

Everything is set, but the inspectors had to make sure
Everything is set, but the inspectors had to make sure
Another inspector on duty
So happy to have found a Ninja Turtle shirt for herself
So happy to have found a Ninja Turtle shirt for herself
Happy that the Tiger now belongs to him
Happy that the Tiger now belongs to him
Men and women shopping for free
Men and women shopping for free
Book and backpack to go.
Book and backpack to go.



When it was time to go home, many smiles became real.


Time to go home
















Today was awesome and as stated below, our welfare structure has begun. Kindly join us if you feel led to.

City Wide Welfare Program-Kuje

Every society, including US & Canada,  has the need for a welfare structure to meet the need of families with a below average income level. This is why we are happy to call Nigerians in and out of the country to consider joining us. I am sure you are helping where you are but it will be nice that you consider joining us if you feel led to.  In a country like Canada, the government has a welfare structure that helps people in different stages of life that can not afford the basic needs while some other organizations (like Salvation Army) complements the government’s efforts.

This January we want to start a Structured City-Wide Welfare Program- Where people can come to pick up basic food items (one time emergency family food) after which they may choose to apply to join the full program which is a 3 month program.

In the Full Program, each accepted family will receive some food items (rice, noodles, tomato paste…) and N500 stipend per week for the duration of 3 months. They must also go through our Structured 8 Weeks Training (class every Monday) which will exposes them to Christ’s Love and Prepares them to either get a job or start a business.

Exceptional and enterprising graduates from the training school also have the chance of getting some money to start a petty trade as funds become available.

Please Join Us: Last year we asked you to join us and you did, thank you! This time we want to be able to meet the need of families that come for help on a monthly basis but we know our friends are also excited about blessing others. That’s why we are sending this to all Nigerians out there (and non Nigerians).  If you are able to join us, kindly send at least $10 or N1000 or more.  You can send by email or paypal to olusobanjo@gmail.com or use FCMB ACCOUNT #2910633010 (Overcomers Fellowship International).

If you are considering sending us something monthly, quaterly or annually, pls email me at Olusobanjo@gmail.com for more details. 
Feel free to send this to any Nigerian you know.

Some excited team members after a successful Christmas Giveaway
Some excited team members after a successful Christmas Giveaway

Again, I want to say a huge thank you to everyone that made today a great success. And most importantly to the One who loved us so that we can love others through Him.

Thank you Lord!

Looking forward to an amazing 2016.

My Birthday & Join Our Christmas Food Project


Here is to say a HUGE thanks for all the love I got on my birthday. God bless you all. I know many of you would have loved to send me a gift, right? ;-)Instead of my Gift you can simply make a quick donation towards our 2015 Christmas Food Project.

Ways To Donate? 

  1.  Paypal Simply donate $10 or more now

2. Email money transfer to olusobanjo@gmail.com

3. If in Nigeria send to FCMB #2881016012 (Oluwaseun Sobanjo) N1000 or more.

4. If in Abuja, donate a bag of Rice or any other non perishable food item (arrange by email olusobanjo@gmail.com)

The aim is not to completely solve the recipients financial problems as that may be a bit hard to do, but together lets add some spice to some family’s christmas season.

Thanks and God bless you abundantly.