When Your Desire is High

When there is a desire to do something, when you believe it’s important to you..you do it, no matter how bad the odds are.

This reminds me of my late  grand mom Esther Lebi. She passed on at an approximated age of 126. She needed a Cain to support herself when she walked slowly due to old age.

There was a specific sofa right opposite the TV console in our home growing up. This became her’s because In my culture, the special chair is reserved for the oldest but they were also the best sofa to catch the greatest fun as you watch tv.

Whenever grandma spots someone on her seat…, anyone… the story changes…her vigor comes back, she walks fast to take possession of her special sofa. At such times, she doesn’t even need her Cain. She is no longer old ….

When your desire is high your limitation becomes less significant.

You see, In life it’s not if you want it, It’s how bad do you want.

So my question to you is: do you have a dream. Is there something on your inside that you can’t wait for the world to know about? Do you want to achieve that goal?
Pause How bad do you want to achieve it?

You must be willing to answer this question.

You want addition income on the side, you want to be able to do what you love to and not what you have to do, you want to be able to spend quality time with the ones you love now and over time…

Ask yourself-how bad do I want what I said I want?

And if you really do…start taking steps towards achieving it today.

I will be hosting a free course on how to find your first profitable idea very soon. Click on the Subscribe button below and watch out to be among the first to know about it.

I want to help you, but you must be willing to Say yes to God’s dreams for you.

Remember He created you to thrive!

Bye for now.


Don’t forget to subscribe.

How To Get More Done If You Have A Dream

Video Transcripts:

Sometimes I get so busy that I don’t seem to have time to do what I really want to do. For example I want to upload a new video once a week but sometimes it’s hard.

That brings me to my topic of today. What do you do when you don’t seem to find to to do what’s you’ve planned to do?
Hi I am Olu Sobanjo of launchadream.
I have discovered that life is like a plain canvas in an artists hands. He can choose to paint whatever on it. Desires, purpose and Creativity are some of the motivations behind any success in life.
Here are 3 tips that I personally use each time that helps me to do more even with a very busy schedule.
First. I think through to know what final outcome I want. It’s important that you don’t go into anything without having a clear goal in mind. It must be measurable. I want to record a video before the end of the day. Is ver clear to me. That’s an examples not I should record videos.
Second is to inform as many people as possible especially your close friends and family….
Before now, I used to be so scared to tell people my plans.
What if I don’t come through on my plans, what if I am too busy to actually do it? What if people begin to see me as unreliable?
As much as those are valid fears and concerns the value of telling others out-ways the rewards you get.
Saying it out take the goal from a wishes world into the real world.
You automatically start planning your life around it since others now know. Also people around you will give you a bit of leeway when they know you are busy doing something that’s is important.
Third, you prioritize everything else in the right order so you can achieve that goal. That way you cut some other things out so as to make time to achieve your goal.
Because many times we are very busy until you weigh each this by how important they are and how urgent. For example, can that movie you like to watch wait so that you can may be write out that business idea out on paper?
You decide!
Once you understand why you want to do a task, doing it is one step easier.
Now what about you, what are some tips that have helped you over the years. Leave me a comment here and don’t forget to subscribe to my channel.
Remember, you were made to Thrive!

You Get a Business Idea…Now What?

You are driving around town and… tara! you get a cool business idea, or you are in the shower – and you get a golden idea to solve someone’s problems. But then …. when do you do next?

Hi I am Olu Sobanjo of Launchadream.

The truth of the matter is that business ideas don’t solve anyone’s pain, ONLY  REAL businesses do.

So, its important that you know what to do now that you have business idea. First you must realize that it takes a while for any idea to transform into a viable business and yours won’t be an exception.

So here are the steps to take.

  1. Share your idea with a few friends. By sharing, you are going ahead of others that are either to scared or shy to launch out and at the same time you will also get some feedback from your friends that will help develop your ideas even better
  2. Write down a business Plan. Now In business School we are told the importance of a business plan. However here you don’t need to go all out producing a huge write up (at least not now). Write out in about 2 sheets of paper what you know or think of your idea.

Here are some guidelines of what to add to your plan.

  • What is the idea: Is it a product or service
  • What are some details about the business: What makes it different and unique
  • Who needs your product or service: Who is your target market
  • What problems are you solving with this business
  • How is it going to make money
  • How long is it going to take to get the product ready and start selling
  1.  Share again with those friends: Share the Business Plan with those friends again and get their feedback.
  1. Write out a timeline of Action – Especially fix a launch out date and work towards that

Get all the help you need and don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel here to get new episodes as they come up.

Thanks for watching and remember you were made to thrive.

See you next time.