God Has Not Forgotten You

Ever been in a storm? Or in the middle of one right now? There’s good news for you- God has not forgotten you! Many people including King David in the bible & our Lord Jesus (like you) felt neglected once.

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me, from the words of my groaning? – Psalm 22:1

For sure it’s natural to feel forgotten when in the middle of great trouble. Such times are times of great emotional confusion. You are frustrated by today’s pain and wonder what tomorrow will bring, you feel lonely and defeated, thinking that God has abandoned you, however the truth is that God has not forgotten you.

This kind of feeling can range from being unwanted to being easily irritated. At times you may not even be able to trace the origin of your emotions. I felt like this not too long ago. At that time, my loving father who knows me more than anyone else, sent me a message in form of a sermon titled Weep No More: God has not forgotten you, it was given by a woman of God that I respect a lot.  The interesting thing is that I really didn’t go around at this particular time thinking God has forgotten me. However, when the sermon came, I was extremely comforted and got a huge boost to continue life and ministry with joy.

Can God Actually Forget Me?

But Zion said, “The LORD has forsaken me; my Lord has forgotten me.” “Can a woman forget her nursing child, that she should have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you. Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are continually before me. – Isaiah 49:14-16

“…for He [God] Himself has said, I will not in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without support. [I will] not, [I will] not, [I will] not in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake nor let [you] down (relax My hold on you)! [Assuredly not!] [Josh. 1:5.]”

‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭13:5‬ ‭AMP‬‬

God has not forgotten you

If God was the one that said this how could he then forget. He remembers you as well as His promises to you.

Why Then Do We Feel Forgotten? 

Its natural to feel. Its normal for emotions to arise.

Fear, trouble, pain and the likes make us doubt God’s faithfulness towards us. Even sin or lack of time in God’s presence cause us to forget how unconditional his love is towards us.

Don’t let today’s trouble distract you from receiving his perfect love and grace. Don’t doubt his love nor your rights in him. Let your heart trust in God.

What you feel is not always an indication of the truth. God’s love for you is perfect no matter what you feel or are going through right now. He is not a man that will deal with you based on your wrong. The devil wants you to believe it that way though. You must remember that He cares about you unconditionally and has a plan for you. Run to your father and enjoy his love even in the midst of trouble. He has not forgotten you.

Remember also that the fact that you feel this way does not conclude the story. You can disregard what you feel and act on what you KNOW.

In my newest book:  Weep No More: God has not forgotten you, I worked with a number of wonderful people with the aim of bringing hope to you or anyone you know that is feeling neglected by God. It is a book that is more or less a tool in times of needs. With lots of testimoweep no more God has not forgotten younies from people that have called on God in their times of need. You will be greatly encouraged by each of the more than 14 stories. Get the book on Amazon today.


How To Always Remember God Has Not Forgotten You

1. Count your blessings, name them one by one. Take stock of the thing God has done lately. You will be shocked to see that He truly cares about you.

2. Meditate on his promises. God’s words have a way of brightening our paths. Trust in the Lord with all your heart…they are life to those who find them and healing to their bones.

3. Listen to other people’s testimonies of God’s unfailing love. The book: ‘Weep No More: God has not forgotten you’ will help, it has 15 different individuals recounting what God did for them in the past. Get yours and get one for others today. You may even decide to use the book in your bible weep no more God has not forgotten youstudy group or with your accountability partner.

The book comes with a guide (embedded workbook) for you to recount and write down your own testimony. Get yours now.

You are blessed!

Launch My New Books With Me

The past few weeks have been extremely busy as I have been working on finishing these 2 new books.  And I praise God as they are available on Amazon now or whereever books are sold.

 The Story:

Weep No more: God has not forgotten you – I was under the ministry of a seasoned woman of God, Rev Regina Kehinde when I felt led to put this book together. After much prayers towards the project I felt led to ask for testimonies from many others to add as part of the book. I worked personally with the contributors to put this together. It was an amazing process and today the book is here.

Perfect Love: Your Happily Ever after Story – As part of our annual Vessels of Grace Conference in Canada (vesselsofgrace.net) each lady usually receives a book from me. However this year, they get a book I co-authored with some of the ladies I have been working with for the past 10 years. I am so thrilled for this debut and I can only say Thank You Lord. 

Launch the book

They are both ready and being launched here.  You may decide to launch the book with me by making a donation and I will surely appreciate that a lot (it will help to offset some of the cost and possibly provide for the next project).

How to Launch the books

  1.  Paypal Simply donate $50 or more and I will have both mailed to you.

2. Email money transfer to olusobanjo@gmail.com 

Or you may send any donation between $25 and $45 and specify which of the books you want. Let me know if you want more copies to give out to orders and we can arrange something.

Your Next Book?

For those of you that want to write a book in the next 4years or thereabout. You have a message, or an idea that you will love to share with the world. For the next  few days I am offering a free package on here- Get Help Writing a Book from A – Z.  This will be a free step by step guide from a – z, for writing your next book or joining me on my next project. Feel free to sign up by sending me an email at olusobanjo@gmail.com and let me know a bit more about what you see. 

Again its been wonderful working on this project.

I pray that in all you do, Christ will forever be exalted.

Thanks again and God bless!

Once again, here is the donate button.  

I am sure that God will use you continually to move His work forward.

Achieve Your 2016 Goals With Ease

 2016 can be way better for you than the previous year depending on how easy your plans are. What was your To Do List like last year? How many of the things planned were you able to achieve? If not much you may just be doing it wrong like many others. In this piece I am going to show you the simple way of planning that you can start implementing right now in order to cut down on your worry level drastically, live a more healthy life and achieve your goals this year.

“Lack of direction, not lack of time is the problem. We all have twenty-four hour days.” Zig Ziglar.

  1. Focus on 1 or 2 goals for the whole year. Yes, for the whole year. I was speaking at church last week Sunday when I asked each member of my audience to write down one thing they would love God to do for them this year – this can be something tangible (like I want to buy a new car) or it can be something intangible (like I want to become more like Jesus). It was interesting to see the struggle that most people had in finding just one thing. The reason for this exercise was to get people to focus. The act of focussing is hard for most people and that why many do not achieve much. It was so hard to choose which on thing was the most important. Someone even spoke out her frustration at church that day saying: “Just one?”  My aim most importantly at that point was to know where each person was, what he or she was focusing on. I wanted to also know what percentage of the audience retained what I was encouraging them to do in my sermon which was to be fully devoted to a life in Christ.  It was really nice to see that about 70% had goals around the topic I was focussed on. Good to know as a speaker.

An easy way to get point number one done is to take a trip mental trip to December 31, yes you will take a trip there in your mind. Just imagine you are sitting with your family over dinner on the 31 December, or around the campfire with your friends, or you out for a party with a few friends to celebrate into the new year, or may be you are you at church, you know, thanking God for the year and transitioning into the new year. As soon as your imagination is clear about where you are, then you must  ask yourself ‘what am I happy about right now?’

Remember your current location is the 31st of December at the mental moment. Ask yourself ‘what made me fulfilled, satisfied or excited? What am I happy that I was able to achieve this year? Start writing down whatever comes to mind. These will form goals that you will see if you want to achieve this year.  As you do this, you may come up with 10 points, its ok. The next step will be to consider each point and to choose 2 out that you really want by all means. The rest are not all trash, you can leave them in the cooler for next year or as extras as you achieve some. However for now you will only focus only on 2 goals.

Examples: Launch side business, loose 20lbs all year, Finish from Grad school and land a job in your field, Buy or build a home and move in by December.

“The key to success is to focus our conscious mind on things we desire not things we fear.” Brian Tracey. 

  1. Break each goal down into smaller goals. After you have decided on 1 or 2 goals, the next step is to break each goal into smaller goals. For example, a goal of starting a side business with a projected December income of 100,000 is a huge goal that can not be achieved just like that. There are so many other things to do in order to be able to start the business before December and make the money. What kind of business idea will I run with, is this a product or service? Who is my target market? Will this business be from home or will I need a facility to work from, is it Virtual or physical business. Would I need some further education at a school or simply take some online course, Do I need to get a license to offer what I want to offer? How much Capital do I need, where do I find Capital? Be as exhaustive and possible. I have some videos that will help you further on this example.  Watch them here.

Write down everything that comes to mind as smaller goals towards your major goal. Then you can organize them into a nice Monthly calendar. This will form your monthly time line. This will lead you into the next step.

“Never Confuse Motion with Action” –Benjamin Fraklin.

  1. Create Your Weekly Todos: At this stage you are ready to create your action steps. Your to do list for each week. Based on what you wrote down as each month’s goal, you will create some steps you need to take within the month in order to complete the goal for that month. For the step you can either use the same calendar you have been using but now go deeper by using the weekly calibrated area to write or you could create your own agenda using Google sheet or excel. I prefer Google sheets, cos Its available for you anywhere, plus you can edit your document offline and update the sheet whenever you are online. That way you always have the same document to work with.

What do I need to do first out of all this things that I’ve written down? You begin to plug them into your calendar by weeks. Determine whether Sunday is the begning of your week or Monday. Plan the easy tasks to finish by the Saturday of week 1 in January, another to finish by week 2 and on that way. Note that its important to plan them chronologically and in a sequence. In other words, whatever must be done before the other must be arranged in a way to achieve them chronologically.  As you organize, you are getting acquainted not just with your main goal but the easy steps that makes that goal.

You are not just creating a to-do list like a lot of people do, not just looking for things to do in order to be busy and appear serious, you are more or less gathering the bricks you need to build.

As you organize them on your weekly agenda, you also decide the priority of each step. Some of the steps you come up with will bring you more distraction than progress, you must be ready to quickly put distractions in the back burner.

For example, when I wanted to pick a name for my online clothing business, I wanted a perfect name that I could run with for a long time – that already is an indication for distraction. My business idea was clear but I didn’t have a perfect, attractive name. Of course it took me forever to eventually find a name that I loved, that some of my friends loved and that the domain name was available. However, since there were tasks I could continue working on,  what I did was to keep moving – continued doing other apparent tasks while the name simmered in the back burner. I only worked on finding names after I had completed my other weekly tasks. And that way I was able to achieve my goal of launching out in record time and not get stocked looking for a perfect name. 

Again remember the point is not to be busy but to be progressively achieving your monthly goal. And since you are doing all these in the planning stage- you are setting a guideline for your self, you are bound to achieve success by the time you start following your plan.

Over the years, I have discovered that when I run through the plan like this, I feel a sense of satisfaction. I can clearly see my goal being achieved on paper and not only that, there is a real feeling of fulfillments around achieving it on paper. It motivates each action in real life. Similar to the way you feel when you have a GPS, when you have an idea of the road map to where you are heading, getting there becomes easier, right?

This is one major reason why I recommend this style for anyone, you will achieve your goal if only you follow through with this plan.

  1. Zero it Down to what to do Daily. Daily plans are important. You already know what to achieve each month, you have decided what to do each each week and now you will take a massive look at your life, what are you busy doing now? Your daily habits, family structure, your daily responsibilities at home, your work schedule, your commitments outside the home, at church or in the city, you evaluate your 24 hours schedule from Monday to Sunday. Check your availability to know how much time you have on a daily basis or can afford to dedicate towards achieving your goal for the year.    This is one major cause of failure for many people. They have all sorts of lofty ideas however, they fail to determine how it will flow smoothly with their current lifestyle. At this stage you may need to cut off some things from your life that are not important or urgent, you may need to reduce your time on Facebook and YouTube if it does not have a direct correlations to achieving your goal.

What you are looking for is to find enough time available to think about and do all the things you have on your weekly todo list. Say you have 2 hours on Monday nights, 1 hour on Wednesday and 3 hours on Saturdays. Then you go ahead and put daily tasks for Monday, Wednesday and Saturday of each week.

Put into consideration some busier time of year as well. Say you have a time at work that you are usually busier, you know from that that you will either need to cut off some more sleep time or reduce the tasks around your goal. Of course this might stretch the achievement of your goals a bit, its ok. You will still achieve, that’s what matters.

There you have it: the simple way to plan so that you can achieve your goals with ease in 2016. The act of going through this process helps a lot because it gives you a guideline, like a roadmap for you. This way, as distractions show up during the year, and they will surely come, (whether in form of an obstacle, other great ideas, people that want you to focus on something else, whatever the distraction) you will be able evaluate things clearly and see if this is God’s way of getting you to change directions or not. Remember to factor in money issues into each step.

So my friend, the long and short of this is to have a well organized and worry free year. With this process you are able to focus on what’s important and get a lot more done.

So go ahead, get started now and pls. share with me which of the steps you found easiest to achieve.

Have an amazing 2016.

My Birthday & Join Our Christmas Food Project


Here is to say a HUGE thanks for all the love I got on my birthday. God bless you all. I know many of you would have loved to send me a gift, right? ;-)Instead of my Gift you can simply make a quick donation towards our 2015 Christmas Food Project.

Ways To Donate? 

  1.  Paypal Simply donate $10 or more now

2. Email money transfer to olusobanjo@gmail.com

3. If in Nigeria send to FCMB #2881016012 (Oluwaseun Sobanjo) N1000 or more.

4. If in Abuja, donate a bag of Rice or any other non perishable food item (arrange by email olusobanjo@gmail.com)

The aim is not to completely solve the recipients financial problems as that may be a bit hard to do, but together lets add some spice to some family’s christmas season.

Thanks and God bless you abundantly.

Love Something You Do Now To Live A Thriving Life

Week # 2 of my tips and traits that we each need to work on in order to live our best lives and also maximize our creative potentials.

Find something you really get excited about in your life now and do that thing as often as you can. If you do this you generate some motivations for the other things you dont really enjoy and as such you achieve more.

Practice this often and you will also be even happier if thats an issue.

Thanks and have a fantastic day.


You Get a Business Idea…Now What?

You are driving around town and… tara! you get a cool business idea, or you are in the shower – and you get a golden idea to solve someone’s problems. But then …. when do you do next?

Hi I am Olu Sobanjo of Launchadream.

The truth of the matter is that business ideas don’t solve anyone’s pain, ONLY  REAL businesses do.

So, its important that you know what to do now that you have business idea. First you must realize that it takes a while for any idea to transform into a viable business and yours won’t be an exception.

So here are the steps to take.

  1. Share your idea with a few friends. By sharing, you are going ahead of others that are either to scared or shy to launch out and at the same time you will also get some feedback from your friends that will help develop your ideas even better
  2. Write down a business Plan. Now In business School we are told the importance of a business plan. However here you don’t need to go all out producing a huge write up (at least not now). Write out in about 2 sheets of paper what you know or think of your idea.

Here are some guidelines of what to add to your plan.

  • What is the idea: Is it a product or service
  • What are some details about the business: What makes it different and unique
  • Who needs your product or service: Who is your target market
  • What problems are you solving with this business
  • How is it going to make money
  • How long is it going to take to get the product ready and start selling
  1.  Share again with those friends: Share the Business Plan with those friends again and get their feedback.
  1. Write out a timeline of Action – Especially fix a launch out date and work towards that

Get all the help you need and don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel here to get new episodes as they come up.

Thanks for watching and remember you were made to thrive.

See you next time.



Many great ideas end up wasted, many amazing dreamers loose their opportunities to shine. This does not necessarily mean that these dreamers are idle. They are usually busy running errands. They have great ideas but they can’t find time or space to cook up their ideas. Well, it’s easier to join a race that is already set than to start a new one.

If you are reading this and you have an idea that has been brewing in you for a while, here are 6 things you can do today in order to move closer to launching your dreams.

1. Make up your mind to live not endure. Do you know that so many people ignore the thought that they were designed to be great? Some believed it until life happened to them. Others are too busy to remember while some others prefer to play it safe. My dear, you were designed by the one who made all things and affirmed each of His creations as being good. That includes you. You can start believing that today. How would you know that you believe? That’s easy, you will start acting based on the notion that you are indeed a great person. your decision making will be sound like that of a great man or woman.

2. Declutter your life. One next mental action you will need to do is to clear out all the things that are not helping you achieve your personal goal in life. The best way to do this is to use Stephen Covey’s  4 quadrant matrix below:

Stephen Covey’s 4 quadrant matrix 

3. Stop saying yes to everyone. As you prioritize your tasks, you will need to learn to choose carefully what you say yes to. This way you will be making room in your life for greater things ahead.

4. Start going to bed with a plan for the next day. Imagine waking up and having a clear image of what the day would be like. When you plan the night before, you save yourself the stress of worrying about that day. Though you don’t have the power to know everything ahead for the day, however you will worry less and take steps with ease and with some greater level of confidence.

5. Have a quiet time daily. The moment you get off your bed in the morning (or whenever you wake up) there are a hundred and one things waiting to grab your attention. Stuffs you forgot about, ignored or even abandoned. If you don’t practice having a time to be quiet before you launch out you will likely end up running around all day, with little or no time to calibrate properly. What you do in your quiet time is up to you but one thing I do is commune with God. I thanks him for a new day, clear up issues with him – clean my mind with his words and lastly spend some quality time to simply be quiet. I often hear him speak to me at this point. Do it, your life will be better.

6. Lastly set out  at least 10 minutes thinking/planning time into your daily schedule. This is just the beginning. Everyone dreams, but it’s only those that add action to their dreams can become achievers.  Start by writing out all your ideas. Many of the people I have helped were drowning in myriads of ideas and my recommendation has not changed. If that is you, you need to write out your ideas on paper or on your computer/device. This action alone will optimize your brain for more effectiveness. And if all you have is one idea, go ahead and do the same. For example, what sort of research will you need to do? What sort of help will you need? Who could you talk to with regards to this idea? These are a few things you need to work on in your first week as you take time out to think and plan.

“Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.”

-Benjamin Franklin

Procrastination is one of my worst opponents in achieving anything great. For example, publishing my 2 titles on Amazon was not without the tog of war.  It’s not that I find it hard to do what I need to do but many times other thing appear more urgent and important and I have to say yes or no to what I think is important at the moment. 

Using the 4 quadrant Matrix has always helped me to do what I can do today. Take a look at some major brands in our world today; brands like Google, Apple, Facebook, Mercedes, Puma…, none of them happened in one day. However the conceptualization started in a day, then research, then more brainstorming, then production, then some problems, then more research, then lot of marketing. Every good idea has to pass through several steps before it becomes real.

So my friend, start early. Take 10 minutes today and tomorrow, the days after and the next. Don’t stop even when you feel like it. Plan it into your day and into your year. Sooner or later you will be glad you did.